Procrastination, Your Dream’s Enemy
Procrastination makes easy things hard and hard things harder. -Mason Cooley
This morning I woke up in a good place. My eyes opened, I noticed the sun beginning to rise through the closed blinds of my bedroom, I took a few deep breaths, I forced a smile on my face and I took stock of how my body was feeling…head (sleepy, but waking), body (rested), attitude (good, my forced smile was turning into a real smile). With one more deep breath, I pulled my body up to a seated position, spun it around and pawed at the carpet with my toes. With teeth brushed and a full glass of water in my belly, I started down the stairs thinking of my to-do list when I was stopped in my tracks…AW CRAP! The view of my living room made me forget all the happiness and excitement I had been building. (more…)